Is Wrestling A Martial Art? - NinjAthlete Skip to content

Is Wrestling a Martial Art?

Given its rich history, principles of technique and discipline, and global variations, wrestling comfortably fits the definition of a martial art.

For centuries, societies have practiced wrestling in various forms, with evidence of its existence even found in ancient cave drawings.

However, in modern times, there’s been an ongoing debate: Is wrestling truly considered a martial art?

To answer this question, one must first understand the nature and objectives of martial arts and then analyze how wrestling fits into this definition.

Understanding Martial Arts

At its core, a martial art is a system or tradition of combat practices, usually comprising both physical exercises and spiritual aspects.

These systems are often used for a variety of purposes, including self-defense, military and law enforcement applications, competition, physical fitness, and spiritual and mental development.

Historically, regions across the world developed their own combat systems, shaped by the specific needs and influences of their culture.

For instance, while the East gave birth to arts like Karate, Taekwondo, and Kung Fu, the West developed systems like Boxing and Fencing.

The Origins of Wrestling

Wrestling is one of the oldest forms of human combat.

There’s evidence of wrestling from ancient civilizations like Egypt, Babylon, and Greece.

In fact, wrestling was one of the original events in the ancient Olympic Games.

In its essence, wrestling is a combat system where two individuals try to gain and maintain a superior position over the other, often with the objective of pinning the opponent's shoulders to the ground.

While it may seem simple, achieving this objective requires a combination of strength, technique, strategy, and endurance.

Key Characteristics of Martial Arts and Wrestling's Alignment

Technique and Skill Development

Like other martial arts, wrestling emphasizes the importance of technique. Even the strongest wrestler can be defeated with the right technique.

Drills, repetitive practice, and learning from failures are all part of the wrestler's journey, much like a martial artist's.

Physical Fitness

Wrestling demands an incredible level of physical fitness. A wrestler must have the strength to overpower opponents, the endurance to last matches, and the agility to maneuver and evade.

Mental Discipline

Ask any seasoned wrestler, and they’ll tell you that the sport is as much mental as it is physical.

Strategy, willpower, and the ability to read the opponent are critical components.

This mirrors the mental conditioning seen in martial arts where practitioners learn not just to fight, but to think, strategize, and react.

Spiritual Growth

While wrestling might not have the overt spiritual connections that some traditional martial arts do, there is a deep-seated sense of respect, honor, and personal growth embedded in the practice.

Wrestlers learn the importance of humility, dedication, and the unyielding pursuit of excellence.

Wrestling's Global Footprint and Its Variants

Just as there are countless martial arts styles globally, wrestling too has its variants based on region and culture:

  • Greco-Roman Wrestling: A style that forbids holds below the waist, emphasizing throws.
  • Freestyle Wrestling: More open than Greco-Roman, it allows holds and attacks to any part of the opponent's body.
  • Sumo: A Japanese style where the objective is to force the opponent out of the ring or to touch the ground.
  • Sambo: Developed in Russia, it combines elements of judo and wrestling.
  • Catch Wrestling: Originating in England, this style allows submissions and pins.

These are just a few examples. Almost every culture has its own form of wrestling, underlining its universal appeal and utility.

The Debate: Sport vs. Martial Art

One argument often put forth is that wrestling is more sport than martial art.

Critics point out that wrestling's competitive nature, with its points system and standardized rules, differentiates it from martial arts.

However, this viewpoint can be counter-argued. Many martial arts, like Judo, Taekwondo, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, have competitive aspects with tournaments, points, and rulesets.

This competitive structure doesn't devalue their status as martial arts but rather enhances and provides a platform for practitioners to test and showcase their skills.


Given its rich history, principles of technique and discipline, and global variations, wrestling comfortably fits the definition of a martial art.

While the sportive nature of modern wrestling can confuse its categorization, at its core, wrestling remains a system of combat that emphasizes both physical prowess and mental acuity.

Just as with Karate, Judo, or any other martial art, wrestling teaches its practitioners much more than how to defeat an opponent; it teaches them how to face challenges, respect their adversaries, and continuously strive for personal betterment.

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